Tutorial: How to Use an Email Verification API with Go

Using an API for email verification involves sending a GET request to the API endpoint. Here's how you can do this using Go:

package main

import (

type Response struct {
	IsValid            bool     `json:"IsValid"`
	Score              int      `json:"Score"`
	Email              string   `json:"Email"`
	State              string   `json:"State"`
	Reason             string   `json:"Reason"`
	Domain             string   `json:"Domain"`
	Free               bool     `json:"Free"`
	Role               bool     `json:"Role"`
	Disposable         bool     `json:"Disposable"`
	AcceptAll          bool     `json:"AcceptAll"`
	Tag                bool     `json:"Tag"`
	MXRecord           string   `json:"MXRecord"`
	EmailAdditionalInfo []struct {
		Key   string `json:"Key"`
		Value string `json:"Value"`
	} `json:"EmailAdditionalInfo"`

func main() {
	email := "Email_Address" // Replace with the email you want to verify
	token := "YOUR_API_KEY"  // Replace with your actual API key

	url := fmt.Sprintf("https://api.ValidEmail.net/?email=%s&token=%s", email, token)

	resp, err := http.Get(url)
	if err != nil {
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {

	var data Response
	json.Unmarshal(body, &data)

	fmt.Println("Email is valid:", data.IsValid)
	fmt.Println("Score:", data.Score)
	fmt.Println("Email state:", data.State)
	fmt.Println("Reason:", data.Reason)

	for _, info := range data.EmailAdditionalInfo {
		fmt.Println(info.Key+":", info.Value)

Remember to replace 'Email_Address' and 'YOUR_API_KEY' with the actual email address you want to verify and your actual API key.